Font variants

Retrieve font variants for a layer of a template

This endpoint retrieves the font variants (weight and style combination) of a text layer's fonts of a specific template.


  • Method: GET

  • URL:

  • Body:

    • templateHash (string, required): The hash of the template.

    • layerName (string, required): The name of the layer of export.


The response is a JSON object with the following schema:


    "response": [
            "name": "Description",
            "fontFamilyType": "google",
            "slideNumber": 0,
            "bannersetElementId": 7,
            "fontFamily": "Roboto Condensed",
            "actualFontStyle": "normal",
            "actualFontWeight": 400,
            "fontVariants": [
                    "weight": "300",
                    "subFamily": "Light"
                    "weight": "400",
                    "subFamily": "Regular"
                    "weight": "700",
                    "subFamily": "Bold"
                    "weight": "300italic",
                    "subFamily": "Light Italic"
                    "weight": "400italic",
                    "subFamily": "Regular Italic"
                    "weight": "700italic",
                    "subFamily": "Bold Italic"

When you use the FONTVARIANT attribute on related endpoints, as value you will use the weight value from the response.

Last updated