Upon a successful execution, the response will have a status code of 200 and a JSON content type. The response body will contain the following structure:
{"response": {"folders": [ {"id":111111,"name":"Folder Name 1","parentId":null,"createdByUser": {"id":22222,"name":"User Name 1" },"isParent":null,"updatedAt":"2024-12-04T08:59:00.509Z","createdAt":"2024-09-30T07:11:45.948Z","updatedByUser": {"id":33333,"name":"User name 2" } }, {"id":333333,"name":"Folder Name 2","parentId":null,"createdByUser": {"id":44444,"name":"User Name 3" },"isParent":null,"updatedAt":"2024-12-03T15:21:53.010Z","createdAt":"2024-12-03T14:38:17.513Z","updatedByUser": {"id":44444,"name":"User Name 4" } },"path": [],"rootFolderHash": null }}
If the parentId is not null in the request the JSON response will contain data about the path to that folder
projectId (integer, required): The ID of the project in which user will create the folder.
parentId (integer, optional): The ID of the folder in within the user will create the new folder.
Upon a successful execution, the response will have a status code of 200 and a JSON content type. The response body will contain the following structure:
{"response": {"folder": {"id":111111,"name":"Subfolder 1","projectId":358029,"parentId":717554,"createdByUser": {"id":111111,"name":"User Name 1" },"updatedByUser": {"id":111111,"name":"User Name 1" },"createdAt":"2024-12-04T18:21:54.636Z","updatedAt":"2024-12-04T18:21:54.636Z","isParent":null } }}
Delete Folder
This endpoint allows you to delete a folder.
Method: DELETE
Endpoint: https://api.creatopy.com/v1/folders
folderId (integer, required): The ID of the folder you want to be deleted.