
Export Templates

This endpoint allows you to export templates by making an HTTP POST request. This endpoint will also create a new design with the requested element changes.


  • Method: POST

  • Endpoint: https://api.creatopy.com/v1/export-with-changes

  • Body:

    • templateHash (string): The hash of the creative.

    • type (string): The type of export.

    • exportSettings (object): Settings for the export

      • quality (int): HTML specific param. (Accepted values are in the range from 1 to 100).

            60 = LOW,
            80 = MEDIUM,
            90 = HIGH,
            100 = UNCOMPRESSED,
            Any other value is a custom value
      • gifPreset (string): GIF specific param. Available values: ('highQuality', 'optimized', 'static').

      • networkId (int): HTML specific param.

      • pdfPreset (enum): PDF specific param (PDF_STANDARD and PDF_PRINT)

      • slide (array of int): PDF specific param (the slide number to export, starts from 0 (for the first slide))

      • scale: (float): JPG, WEBP, PNG specific param.

      • targetFPS: (int): frame rate - MP4 specific param

      • retina (boolean): save retina-specific images - HTML specific param

      • retinaOnly (boolean): exclude non-retina images from downloaded zip - HTML specific param

      • convertCustomFonts (boolean): convert custom fonts to SVG - HTML specific param

      • minifyHtml (boolean): minify HTML size - HTML specific param

      • urlTarget (enum): HTML specific param (_blank, _self, _top, _parent )

      • useAsClickTag (boolean): HTML specific param

      • clickTagUrl (string): HTML specific param

      • includeFallbackImage (boolean): include a .jpg format fallback image into downloaded zip HTML specific param

    • webhookUrl (string): Webhook URL that will be called when the export completes (succeed or fails)

    • elementsChanges (array):

      • elementName (string): The name of the element.

      • changes (array):

        • attribute (string): The attribute to be changed. (Available attributes are: "LABEL", "SOURCE", "CODE", "VISIBILITY" and "FONTVARIANT")

        • value (string): The new value for the attribute.

Valid values for elementChanges are (depending on attribute):

  • LABEL: any valid string

  • SOURCE: any valid public media file link

  • CODE: valid embed code

  • VISIBILITY: 'true' or 'false' (as string)

  • FONTVARIANT: any existing font weight value from the result of the endpoint templates/fontVariants for ex: '300italic' , '400', '700italic', etc.

curl --location 'https://api.creatopy.com/v1/templates/export' \
--header 'Content-Type: application/json' \
--header 'Authorization: Bearer eyJ...' \
--data '{
    "templateHash": "zdow6r",
    "type": "jpg",
    "elementsChanges": [
            "elementName": "Headline",
            "changes": [
                    "attribute": "LABEL",
                    "value": "Enjoy a $0 annual \nfee and 1.5% \n cashback on purchases"
            "elementName": "Description",
            "changes": [
                    "attribute": "LABEL",
                    "value": "Plus, earn a $300 bonus"
                    "attribute": "VISIBILITY",
                    "value": "false"
                    "attribute": "FONTVARIANT",
                    "value": "400italic"
            "elementName": "Logo",
            "changes": [
                    "attribute": "SOURCE",
                    "value": "https://dev.w3.org/SVG/tools/svgweb/samples/svg-files/eff.svg"
            "elementName": "shape2",
            "changes": [
                    "attribute": "SOURCE",
                    "value": "https://cdn.pixabay.com/photo/2012/04/24/16/43/targets-40383_1280.png"
            "elementName": "Image",
            "changes": [
                    "attribute": "SOURCE",
                    "value": "https://cdn.pixabay.com/photo/2012/04/24/16/43/targets-40383_1280.png"


The response to this request is a JSON schema:

Response example
    "response": {
        "export": {
            "id": "b46adaed-39df-41a2-89e5-beb870282414", 
            "type": "jpg",
            "status": "pending",
            "errorLog": null,
            "creatives": [
                    "id": "fc188412-c614-4db7-b611-f725e73cb36d",
                    "status": "pending",
                    "url": null
                    "id": "954dad76-6dd9-4a79-ac09-26da6bceeb96",
                    "status": "pending",
                    "url": null

With the export ID we will check the status of the export

Export existing design

This endpoint allows you to export existing designs by making an HTTP POST request. This endpoint will not create a new design.


  • Method: POST

  • Endpoint: https://api.creatopy.com/v1/export

  • Body:

    • creativeHash (string): The hash of the creative.

    • type (string): The type of export.

    • exportSettings (object): Settings for the export

      • quality (int): HTML specific param.

      • gifPreset (enum): GIF specific param.

      • networkId (int): HTML specific param.

      • pdfPreset (enum): Pdf specific param (PDF_STANDARD and PDF_PRINT)

      • slide (array of int): PDF specific param (the slide number to export, starts from 0 (for the first slide))

    • webhookUrl (string): Webhook URL that will be called when the export completes (succeed or fails)

curl --location 'https://api.creatopy.com/v1/export' \
--header 'Content-Type: application/json' \
--header 'Authorization: Bearer eyJ...' \
--data '{
    "creativeHash": "zdow6r",
    "type": "jpg",


The response to this request is a JSON schema:

Response example
    "response": {
        "export": {
            "id": "b46adaed-39df-41a2-89e5-beb870282414", 
            "type": "jpg",
            "status": "pending",
            "errorLog": null,
            "creatives": [
                    "id": "fc188412-c614-4db7-b611-f725e73cb36d",
                    "status": "pending",
                    "url": null
                    "id": "954dad76-6dd9-4a79-ac09-26da6bceeb96",
                    "status": "pending",
                    "url": null

With the export ID we will check the status of the export

Check Export Status

This endpoint retrieves the export data with the specified ID.


  • Method: GET

  • URL: https://api.creatopy.com/v1/export/b46adaed-39df-41a2-89e5-beb870282414


  • Status: 200

  • Content-Type: application/json

Response example
    "response": {
        "id": "b46adaed-39df-41a2-89e5-beb870282414",
        "type": "jpg",
        "status": "complete",
        "errorLog": null,
        "creatives": [
                "status": "complete",
                "url": "https://creatopy-api-0d4e56b.s3.eu-central-1.amazonaws.com/creatives/b46adaed-39df-41a2-89e5-beb870282414/fc188412-c614-4db7-b611-f725e73cb36d?X-Amz-Algorithm=AWS4-HMAC-SHA256&X-Amz-Credential=AKIASCU4ALRBL5EQ3KHE%2F20240911%2Feu-central-1%2Fs3%2Faws4_request&X-Amz-Date=20240911T072944Z&X-Amz-Expires=3600&X-Amz-Signature=6739d8a7f2f70b7a518c510eb10ebcbcd82fe57dec1a0c335df473257229562e&X-Amz-SignedHeaders=host",
                "id": "fc188412-c614-4db7-b611-f725e73cb36d"
                "status": "complete",
                "url": "https://creatopy-api-0d4e56b.s3.eu-central-1.amazonaws.com/creatives/b46adaed-39df-41a2-89e5-beb870282414/954dad76-6dd9-4a79-ac09-26da6bceeb96?X-Amz-Algorithm=AWS4-HMAC-SHA256&X-Amz-Credential=AKIASCU4ALRBL5EQ3KHE%2F20240911%2Feu-central-1%2Fs3%2Faws4_request&X-Amz-Date=20240911T072944Z&X-Amz-Expires=3600&X-Amz-Signature=bfd48ac7717f9f4cedf60aa5d3ca0f2dbf55ec202bf8ac9829465756450489ef&X-Amz-SignedHeaders=host",
                "id": "954dad76-6dd9-4a79-ac09-26da6bceeb96"


Last updated