Post newly generated creative on a social media platform

Zapier integrates with many social media apps, so you could automate generating a new creative and posting it live on social media.

Here's a list of the supported social media apps.

For this example, we'll get the newly generated creative from a different zap and set this zap to post it live on Instagram.

Because this is an automated process, you cannot preview the generated creative before it gets posted live. So, it's best to test this workflow before to ensure the quality of the generated creative is up to par.

Setting up the trigger

You must first set up a trigger to retrieve the creatives you generated through a different zap. You can use the Creatopy trigger or the webhook trigger. Here are the step-by-step indications for each one.

Setting up the action

After you set up the webhook trigger correctly and ensure you get the payload from Creatopy, you need to post the new creative to Instagram. Pick the Instagram for Business app in Zapier and choose the event Publish Photo.

After connecting your Instagram account to allow Zapier access, you need to set up the action. For this case, we're using the creative URL from the webhook call's payload in the photo field. You can fill in the rest of the fields as you need.

Then, test the zap and verify whether the Instagram post was made correctly. You can publish the zap to put this workflow to use.

Last updated