Generate design variations through a spreadsheet
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Organize your data in a spreadsheet and automate your creatives' generation when you add a new row of data. The spreadsheet should contain the details you want to include in your creative, like headline, image link, and other texts and details which will replace the layers in an existing design from your Creatopy account that you'll use as a template in Zapier.
Zapier integrates with many sheet apps. You can take a look at the article below.
We'll use Google Sheets as an example, but it will work similarly with any other spreadsheet app that integrates with Zapier. You will need to set up a trigger and an action in a zap to create this workflow.
First, set up the trigger by selecting the Google Sheets app and picking the New Spreadsheet Row event.
Subsequently, connect your Google account so it accesses your Google Drive. Then, pick the spreadsheet and worksheet you want to use.
Your spreadsheet has to have column headers. To test the trigger, add a new row with data to your spreadsheet and return to Zapier to test it.
Make sure your spreadsheet has column headers for Zapier to read the data in your spreadsheet correctly.
In the second step of the zap, add the Creatopy Zapier app and choose the event Generate creative, like in the screenshot below.
If you haven't yet connected your Creatopy account to Zapier, you'll have to go to Creatopy and generate the API keys needed to authenticate in Zapier and use the Creatopy app. You can find how to do all that in the link below.
Continuing with the zap, you'll have to pick a design template for the generated variations, the type of export, and the webhook URL that will be called when Creatopy finishes generating the variant. You can see below how to set up a webhook trigger or leave this field empty and set a second zap using the Creatopy trigger to send the generated creatives to your inbox or cloud storage.
When you pick a template, Zapier will list the layers in your design template, which you need to map to your input fields (the data in your spreadsheet based on your column headers).
Finally, test the action to ensure everything is fine; you will get a message with a pending status, as shown below.
To put this workflow live, you have to publish the zap.
Here are a few use cases on what to do with your newly generated creatives.